
Archive for the ‘Architecture’ Category

Trump Tower

25 Sep 2008 Leave a comment

Trump Tower

The Chicago Tribune has posted a fabulous roof-top view from the almost completed Trump Tower. I really like the look of this building, modern without being grotesque.

Dubai and the towers

25 Jun 2008 1 comment

Why does Dubai seem to get all the interesting buidlings, or more to the point why is it that only Dubai seems to actually build these interesting additions to its skyline. This is how it should be, a skyline that looks interesting and changes

The Dynamic Tower will constantly change shape and rotates using wind power. It will give the occupants whatever view they like whenever they like.

It also looks like there are plans for a tower is Moscow – this puts my previous statement into slightly invalid territory, but I would maintain the fact that Dubai is buidling these things whilst the rest of the world simply plans.

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